Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Check This Out: Fictional Boston in Books!

This morning, one of our customers pointed us this article published in the Boston Globe, "Round Up the Fictitious Bostonians". It's an interview with Suffolk University professor Gerald Richman, who has been compiling a list of fictional books set in Boston.

But this is no casual pastime! Richman has been compiling this list for thirty years, ever since he took over the "Boston: City of Fiction" course at the universty. He doesn't have an exact count of all the titles in his bibliography, but he estimates the full list would be over 250 pages long! It sounds to us like what started as a mild curiousity has developed into a full-blown obsession of the best kind.

One of the things we love most about Richman's work is his method of organization. Instead of listing books by author's name or the title or even the date of publication, he organizes the list by the time period in which the book's story takes place. That just puts a smile in our faces, it does.

Take a minute and check out Richman's list. You might be surprised by what you find!

Do you have a favorite book with a Boston connection?

(Image: Boston Globe)

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